What is Spinal Decompression Therapy?
Spinal Decompression Therapy is a non-surgical answer for disc-related syndromes of your lumbar or cervical spine that utilizes certified precise computer-controlled tension that gently stretches the spine, takes the pressure off the discs and joints to enhance the natural healing process.
Spinal Decompression has been medically proven to reduce pain and alleviate symptoms and conditions related to:
- Herniated/Bulging Discs
- Degenerative Discs
- Chronic Neck/Back Pain
- Sciatica
- Radiculopathy
- Arthritis or Facet Syndrome
- Spinal Stenosis
- Pre/Post Surgical Patients
The Spinal Decompression Table
A Spinal Decompression Table is designed to alleviate the underlying problems that cause the pain and facilitate the natural healing of spinal discs. With precise and painless controlled tension, the specific disc segment is gently distracted to reduce the pressure inside.
The Decompression Table comfortably and accurately increases intersegmental disc space, providing non-surgical decompression of discs. Tears in the disc annulus can be repaired, allowing sufficient fluids and nutrients to be re-introduced into the nucleus to reverse the disc degeneration, bulging discs, and collapse resulting from an injury. Rehydration of the disc nucleus will restore disc height, which relieves the pressure on inflamed facet joints.
It is a medical fact that damaged discs seldom heal independently, as they are constantly under pressure. The Decompression Table uses clinically proven principles to reduce the pressure inside the discs. Decompression promotes the transfer of fluids, nutrients, and oxygen back inside the discs and results in the retraction of bulging or herniated discs, relieving nerve pressure and pain.
According to recent clinical trials, disc herniations were reduced by 10% to 90% using MRI, pre-and-post-treatment on a similar table. In addition, patching and healing of the annulus were also evident.
A typical treatment consists of a predetermined recommended time on the decompression table. All treatments are administered with the patient fully clothed. The patient is positioned on the table and comfortably secured to a fixed part of the table. Table sections will be electronically tilted to target specific spinal segments with precise and painless computer-controlled tension. The specific disc segment is gently distracted to reduce the pressure inside of the disc. The treatment is comfortable, and some patients fall asleep. Most patients will find relief of their symptoms between 5 and 10 sessions, while the average recommended treatment course is 20 sessions. The recommended course of treatment will be determined after a full consultation and examination are performed.
After completion of the corrective treatment, patients are given strengthening exercises to avoid repeat injuries. After only a few weeks of treatment, research has shown amazing results in relieving the debilitating pain caused by degenerative, bulging, herniated, or ruptured discs, as well as sciatica, posterior facet syndrome, spinal stenosis, and many, failed back surgery cases. Most patients can return to normal levels of activity or recreation in just a few weeks.
Facts of Life
- Surgery is Painful, Risky & Spinal Decompression is Safe and Painless
- Spinal Decompression allows most people to work during the treatment.
- Spinal Surgery causes lost time at work.
Spinal Decompression Therapy in Review
- A Non-Surgical treatment that is Safe & Painless
- Designed to correct the problem, not just treat the symptoms
- Pre-determined treatment period
At Cyr Chiropractic Center, we look forward to answering questions you may have and determining if you are a candidate for Spinal Decompression Therapy. If you or someone you know is suffering from one of the conditions above, please call (207) 784-5120 to schedule a consultation with our expert team.