Posts Tagged ‘Auburn ME Chiropractors’
Welcome to Cyr Chiropractic Center's Auburn ME Chiropractors Archive. Here you can learn more about Cyr Chiropractic Center, Chiropractic, and Dr. Michael Cyr, today's choice for Chiropractors in Auburn, ME. Read Dr. Michael Cyr's Chiropractic Auburn ME Chiropractors for the health of it.
We look forward to serving you! Call - (207) 784-5120.
by Dr. Michael Cyr | Nov 19, 2019 | Health Articles
Can you hear the holiday songs playing? Of course, that's because the holidays are until after January! However, with this season's good cheer, holiday stress may lead to tears, neck pain, shoulder pain, and headaches.
The combination of the wrong food, too much alcohol, late nights, rushing around carrying heavy bags, and, let’s face it, family ...
by Dr. Michael Cyr | Nov 12, 2019 | Health Articles
The word on the streets is that the most abused drugs these days are found not being creatively cooked or grown, but bought over the counter at pharmacies near you. The medications that are most often misused are not for recreational use but the reduction of back pain, neck pain and headaches.
That same pain is ...
by Dr. Michael Cyr | Nov 5, 2019 | Health Articles
In our office, we strive to not only help you get well but to stay well. The best way for us to achieve this is by simply explaining the "how" and "why" of how our bodies work and what we can do to maintain the results that we can help you achieve.
The Fuse Box
When an ...
by Dr. Michael Cyr | Oct 24, 2019 | Health Articles
You do not have to be a great mathematician like our favorite characters in The Big Bang Theory to view our world with the simple applications such as the laws of mathematics and physics. We should understand that every action has a reaction and our world prefers to be balanced. We solve life's equations for ...
by Dr. Michael Cyr | Oct 3, 2019 | Health Articles
We very often hear people talk about "getting sick." I would like to suggest that it is more of a case of you "doing sick."
Sickness, disease, a cold or the flu are each far more related to what choices you make each day. Bad luck, and "catching a bug," are not really what happens. After ...